Đặt câu với từ "long waves|long wave"

1. The ionosphere would be affected and long- wave radio waves wouldn't work any more.

2. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves with a very long wavelength, measurable in metres.

3. 2 Radio waves are electromagnetic waves with a very long wavelength, measurable in metres.

4. Its long body undulated like the waves of the sea.

5. Of the Cloudily crested, fifty-league-long, loud uplifted wave

6. Comber, breaker, roller - A long curving wave is a Comber, a wave that curls over and dissolves into foam is a breaker, and a long wave moving steadily shoreward is a roller

7. She saw her long hair floating like seaweed upon the waves.

8. Comber, breaker, roller - A long curving wave is a Comber, a wave that curls over and dissolves into foam is a breaker, and a long wave moving steadily shoreward is a roller

9. This occurs because a Rayleigh wave of lower frequency has a relatively long wavelength.

10. Attenuating pseudo s-waves in acoustic anisotropic wave propagation

11. Long live Long live Long live

12. Long live to Queen Long live, long live, long live

13. Lora can do what ever she wants at work as long as she doesn't make waves.

14. There are two kinds of elastic waves in solids a compressional wave and a transverse wave.

15. It was not long before their peace was disturbed by the next wave of visitors.

16. Waves affected by dispersion have a different wave train shape.

17. Corrective waves are three-wave structures that move in the opposite direction to an impulsive wave

18. The on all sides wheat wave dashes about vacillating, continue long toward unknowable far away place.

19. Wear long sleeves, long pants, or long dresses.

20. Group A compounds exhibit their most long-wave absorption and most intense fluorescence in acidic solution.

21. A Breakwater built decades ago in Long Beach blocks waves from reaching the shore, which remains calm

22. The long wave transmitter was modernized and the main antenna tower received a new cage aerial.

23. The wind blows through the long grasses and the grass seems to rise and fall in waves.

24. Group B indicators exhibit their most long-wave absorption and most intense fluorescence in basic solution.

25. Surface wave element with multiple tracks for propagating acoustic surface waves

26. A layer or series of patches of rather flattened rounded masses, long rolls, undulations, waves. b) Stratocumulus 2.

27. Cashman's work culminated in the development of long wave infrared detectors used during the Second World War.

28. That is, how long it takes a wave to go through its full range of motion once.

29. Seismologists long have distinguished two kinds of signals in the transmission of shock waves through the earth’s mantle.

30. To prevent reflections from the outside back into the center, long waves are absorbed by a surrounding damper.

31. Long reed (6 long cubits)

32. Altocumulus = b) A layer or series of patches or rather flattened rounded masses, long rolls, undulations or waves.

33. This has plane wave solutions which are transverse waves travelling with velocity c, properties that electromagnetic waves also possess.

34. The dyes have a high bistability and have their long-wave absorption maximum in the near IR range.

35. 20 This has plane wave solutions which are transverse waves travelling with velocity c, properties that electromagnetic waves also possess.

36. On another occasion, all night long a howling windstorm hurled waves against the lighthouse at Pubnico Harbour, Nova Scotia.

37. 29 The results show that the perturbing waves exist in the form of either propagating wave or evanescent standing wave.

38. Syntax typedef struct tagBitmap { LONG bmType; LONG bmWidth; LONG bmHeight; LONG bmWidthBytes; WORD bmPlanes; WORD bmBitsPixel; LPVOID bmBits; } Bitmap…

39. How long is her hair? --Very long.

40. • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants

41. Static void: assertArrayEquals(long[] expecteds, long[] actuals) Asserts that two long arrays are equal

42. Surface wave: Surface wave technology uses ultrasonic waves that pass over the touch screen panel. When the panel is touched, a portion of the wave is absorbed.

43. Arket JERSEY LONG SLEEVE - Long sleeved top - offwhite

44. 1 Time always too long, long to palpitate.

45. Long[Sentencedict.com], long ago there lived a king.

46. She has nothing but a long long haulm.

47. Numbers from the Fibonacci sequence surface repeatedly in Elliott wave structures, including motive waves (1, 3, 5), a single full cycle (8 waves), and the completed motive (89 waves) and corrective (55 waves) patterns.

48. There was a long and long rope bridge.

49. BNetzA SSB RU 001 Interface description for amplitude modulated sound broadcasting transmitters in the long-, medium- and short-wave bands

50. Soot particles absorb sunlight very effectively but allow long-wave thermal radiation emitted by the earth to pass through unaffected.

51. The finish is long and unhurried and the aromas show themselves in ever-increasing waves as the wine warms and Aerates

52. He's gonna be with youfor a long, long time.

53. 13 Soot particles absorb sunlight very effectively but allow long-wave thermal radiation emitted by the earth to pass through unaffected.

54. Other acoustic wave devices such as acoustic wave resonators, surface acoustic wave delay lines, surface acoustic wave filters, and surface transverse waves can also be removably attached to the rotatable shaft to measure torque.

55. Aeon: a long or seemingly long period of time.

56. How long?

57. Long fuse.

58. Analogie long sleeve knit sweater Analogie long sleeve knit sweater

59. Long a pioneering leader, AFT is now riding a new wave of growth, driven by Agricultures most pressing needs and opportunities

60. Long day?

61. An Analog signal is a continuous wave denoted by a sine wave (pictured below) and may vary in signal strength (amplitude) or frequency (waves …

62. Birefringence is the “bending” or refraction of a light wave into two different polarized waves

63. The seeds are small, 6–8 mm long, and have a long slender wing 18–25 mm long.

64. Said device supplies a direct wave and two perpendicular diffracted waves of H, V polarisation each bearing a modulation based on the input optical wave modulation and the acoustic wave modulation.

65. Love you how long, the heart also will pain for long.

66. The Awns (beards) are long, straight and 2-4 inches long

67. For all directions of the wave vector unstable waves exist for wavenumbers below a cutoff value.

68. 15 Millimeter wave scanners beam radio waves over the body to create a three-dimensional image.

69. The transceiver unit (4) with a long-wave antenna (5) can be integrated, for example, into a remote-control car key (8).

70. Boobies are large birds with long pointed wings and long bills

71. The adults are around 2 mm long with a long snout.

72. To be long-suffering does not simply mean to suffer long.

73. A long vowel is a long sound as in the word'shoe ".

74. Seven thumbs long!

75. Long Live Korea!

76. Voyager Wave 5 consists of Grindor, which is a repaint of 2007 Movie Blackout, and Long Haul, one of the components of Devastator.

77. Long Edge (Standard

78. The calculated transition energies for the radicals considered are in a good agreement with the locations of the long-range wave absorption maxima.

79. Long rap sheet.

80. You go long.